PUR-Blue Swab Samplers
- Suitable for sampling from crevices up to 1 ft².
- Designed specifically for industrial sampling.
- More cost effective than sponge devices.
- 1 ml version delivers precisely 1 ml for plating.

PUR-Blue Swab Samplers
Change the way you sample surfaces
PUR-Blue™​ Swab Samplers are designed to help the user vigorously scrub a surface to disrupt and lift biofilm to optimize collection of microorganisms. Unlike the traditional fiber style cotton or Dacron tipped swabs, PUR-Blue uses a high technology polyurethane foam tip swab, allowing easy sampling of both very small and larger areas (up to 1 ft²). The foam tip resists tearing and fraying, making it better for sampling rough surfaces. The thicker shaft allows the user to press the swab firmly on the surface during sampling. Use with an extension pole to sample hard-to-reach areas, making it a highly adaptable universal sampling device.
- Suitable for sampling from crevices up to 1 ft².
- Designed specifically for industrial sampling.
- More cost effective than sponge devices.
- 1 ml version delivers precisely 1 ml for plating.
- 5 ml & 10 ml versions allow for multiple tests.
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